Posted by: Scott | November 16, 2009

Oskar Blues Old Chub Review

Old ChubWhat’s the story behind Old Chub, you ask? No idea. The name has me stumped (isn’t chub a kind of fish?), but according to Oskar Blues brewery, it’s a strong Scottish-style ale that “takes care of our deep affections for malt” by incorporating seven different malts, hops from across the pond, and beechwood-smoked grains. Sounds tasty! So why I am reviewing it? Um … because it sounded tasty. I also needed a few good-lookin’ cans for my Should We Can the Bottle? article, so I chose Ol’ Chub for its stylish label—and for the brewery’s outstanding reputation.

The beer pours cola-brown but flashes burgundy in the light. Its tan head dissolves quickly and lines my glass with sticky lace. Dark fruit, molasses, and caramel offer a buffet for the nose, but one taste obliterates my taste buds. Rich malts drench my palate and linger there as licorice, cherries, raisins, chocolate. Late notes of smoke, bread, and bitter hops nearly drown in the over-the-top sweetness (I’d go down with that ship happily!), and a full body with medium carbonation makes each flavor crackle and spark.

A creamy but ferocious ale, Old Chub hides its 8% ABV well. But watch out; it’s in there, and it’ll take you down. Drink warily. If my wife’s facial contortions during her first sip were any indication, the malt kick is nigh overwhelming for beginners, but true Highland warriors will relish the intensity. I wanted to keep on sippin’ into eternity.

4 caps out of 5

Thursday: Beer explorations in Arizona.


  1. i am superpissed i passed on this when i had that white trash party.

    i have dale’s pale ale in my fridge right now and it is my tee fine.

    • You should try it ASAP.

  2. update: i bought a six pack last night and drank the entire thing. it was delicious. obviously.

    • 😀

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